

Elon Musk

Costas Tolis


Since I have been watching his interviews lately, let me make a first assessment.

My disagreement with the dreams of Elon Musk, and of course many others, is the conquest of space with the means that he and his fellow craftsmen make.
Because Myth and History has shown us the result of these pursuits with the Tower of Babel.
In other words, our current civilization is simply following in the same failed footsteps of a previous, almost identical, civilization. He wants to reach God, with dense material means. A childish fantasy, which however also reveals the level of civilization, and which is repeated as it seems based on the Scriptures.

Based on the data so far from various sources, by connecting the dots, we can theoretically explain the recent discovery of the history of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki, if they ever existed, were not aliens, just as aliens are not referred to, and all the ancient wall paintings found in caves around the world depict beings in uniform similar to our own present-day astronauts.

The simplest explanation is that it is the evolution of Age of Atlantis AI technologies! That is, Robots with artificial intelligence and autonomous operation. Because only Robots could inhabit Pluto and any other planet in our Solar System.

But the only acceptable way to conquer the Universe is as we recently explained through our redefinition as Light, after our death, and since we have experienced the death process countless times on planet Earth. By first becoming here on this planet Wise, keeping it intact, planet Earth, from your intervention on it... and then "getting permission" to go and conquer others.

Because the Universe, gentlemen, is not "come in dogs grind, and don't give grinds"... :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ...

Besides that, Elon Musk, with whatever philosophy and aspirations he has, but above all with his economic power, is necessary for us now, so that he can become, we hope, the rival awe of Gates, Google, Zugerberg, etc. that they want to do the planet like their faces...

After all, this is what my own researches of another kind showed me, which happened to meet Elon Musk and discovered his important role in the present moment. And Musk, I don't need to explain what it means... A pinnacle of technology and wealth, he does whatever he wants, but he hasn't ridden the cane and doesn't seem, at least so far, to be involved in any weird pharmaceutical research like Gates.

However, he will become reliable when he gives up alcohol, meat and fish, and starts meditating seriously. Until then, he remains a temporary potential ally to balance the opposing forces of Light and Darkness, which today more than ever, battle on the planet, because Darkness seems to want to dominate completely, and Light is tired of waiting for darkness to be enlightened.

Also read Elon Musk's Horoscope.