

Knowledge is Power


Simplicity is Knowledge

Meditate on this dudes, and you solve a lot of your problems.

Simplicity vs Complexity

Complexity drove us here, out of the Garden of Eden.
Complexity in science create nuclear weapons.
Complexity in illiteracy people produce more illiteracy people and overpopulation.

Simplicity it is not, to take the first road you find in front of you.
Simplicity is to look around for ready-made patterns in nature, which solve similar problems to yours, and follow them.

For example, Dude, in Greek called ΜΑΓΚΑΣ (MAGAS) which came from the Latin MAGUS which came from the Greek ΜΑΓΟΣ (MAGOS).
As you can see by your own eyes :) Simplicity is Magic ! We just need to find the right pattern. Here is not the pattern of nature, but you get in to the point to understand what I mean on how to use Simplicity in any matter, natural, intellectual, or mental.

Elon Musk