

Experience with Kundalini


The last remarkable experience this summer of 2023.

It was the end of August, after a while I fell to bed, and without falling asleep, I see with my eyes closed in bed, my spine is on fire from the base to the neck. That is, I could see the vertebrae gradually glowing from bottom to top, and the flames flying to the right, left, front and back, with the thickness of the flame playing around 10 to 15 centimeters. And because I had my head on a pillow that night, when the incandescence reached my neck, the fire leaned forward.

My mind, however, was apathetic, and I merely observed the phenomenon, which I had neither caused nor intended, without thinking of anything. Then I fell asleep and don't remember anything else.

My chakras caught fire that night! :) :) :) :) :) :) ...

ΙΑΣΠΙΣ 2023-09-13 16:02:33 (UT)

The lesson of this little story is that the reward, the validation of years of effort, does not usually come when you anxiously and consciously pursue it at the time of exercise. But it comes when it should, at the right time. That is, we should not be disappointed when, while doing exercises daily and for years, we do not see results. After all, all the upgrades of consciousness, for me at least, come when I have stopped thinking about them and dealing with them. But it would never have come, if I hadn't engaged and made the specific exercises and efforts, when I did them.

ΙΑΣΠΙΣ 2024-04-26 21:03:12 (UT)

I don't like to brag, but I also don't like to let some "stars" of metaphysics and mysticism, all older than I am, and who have read or heard of me, come out and say afterwards, "I had 4 experiences with kundalini", or the flame I describe in this experience "are the very preliminary stages".

Well I don't know what stage I'm at :) but this was the 6th related experience, the previous 5 were consecutive and the last of those 5 resulted in a Western-style Samadhi. And that after that, at that time, I started jumping around like a goat for days, because I was burning, like some Hasidic Jews of the 18th Century, when they had this experience. :) A Samadhi that only some Freemasons I have seen mention vaguely, in articles about Hermes Trismegistus. And I have written them here 6 years ago, at the time they were happening. So let them read that article, and its continuation, and then let's count them to see who has the longest, the experience :) and let METATRON-METRATON-HERMES-MERCURY be arbiter ! :) :) :) :) :) ...

And if they don't know Greek, let them use google translator to tell them.


Free Will