

Jesus Christ defeats and all the evil scatters!

Costas Tolis

Where, where, where?

Amen! :)

Was Jesus Christ, as He has described to us today? Obviously many, and religious rebels, those times, did a great job, and many of them were crucified. But much of his teaching and work seems to be later attachments from other previous religious doctrines.

What does Christ mean?

Christ is the one who was anointed - baptized by the Sun to live and teach the Good Customs in Society for a particular Crew of Time.

After 2000 years of proliferation and the prevalence of Christianity, the Crew of Time has arrived and most people, less or more, live and apply to some extent the Good Customs that Christ taught (and others enlightened by other religions, in the same or a similar direction as Christianity).

In this sense, the Second Coming has come, Christ is on earth and strikes the door of our hearts "to open and accept Him". He still feels that there are still wars. He puts it with himself! He's looking to find the causes, the mistakes. It does not find mistakes, it finds omissions. He finds overpopulation and suggests enlightening the masses on it, but also punishments for those who have made the fruitful profitable business ... It was once a profitable business, the times of Christ's First Coming on Earth. Now, in his Second Presence, he is a loss-making business, devastating for all, and very risky.

So, new world laws must come out of the number of children entitled to each and apply in full and fast. And apparently the number of children for each person is another descendant if the parent-man is not sterile. That's all. If the parent-man is sterile, look to adopt from an orphanage, or stay without children and ask himself, look inside to find out why he can not have children. This is the right and much better than to desperately fight to leave his "stigma", do not lose the Venetian needle ...

This is the New and Universal Directiva of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ that only we are bringing to you all, here in the CHURCH OF SUN! :)


So, what's next?